Mortlach Wellness Clinic
This clinic is located at Coteau Hills Bible Church on the East side of town every 6th Tuesday from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm. Clinic dates are posted on the post office bulliten board. This clinic is provided by the Five Hills Health Region, Home Care Services and the Mortlach community in order to promote healthy lifestyles, identify potential health problems and refer to other health services as needed. Each new client will have a health assessment screening done by the nurse (please bring your health care card and a list of current medications to your first visit). After asessment of need, the following and depending on need, offer any of the following:
- Wellness Counseling
- Lifestyle Education
- Medication Review
- Nutrition Review and Counseling
- Glucose Monitoring
- Blood Pressure, pulse, weight
- B12 injection
- Foot Care
Clinic visits are by appointment. Contact Pam Speir at 306-690-5959 to make an appointment.
Though masks are no longer manditory, SHA requests that clinic clients sanitize their hands on arrival and wear a mask if needed for their own protection. If anyone is experiencing any respiratory or potential COVID symptoms, they are asked to cancel their appointment and take necessary precautions.