From "A Time To Remember - A History of Mortlach and District'
by Walter Felt
page 156
In the dirty thirties I found numerous Indian Artifacts. I helped Bernie Forbes and Casey Jones recover a skull of the now extinct Bison Tagoloid, north of Mortlach in 1953. I helped John McLean and Allen Hudson recover artifacts at Besant Park. In 1960, I got Bruce McCorkindale of Regina Museum to preserve a Mammoth Tusk found on the grade slope near Frank Gardener's farm. It was uncovered by Joe Kerr with the grader 3 miles west and 3 south of Mortlach. In 1961 I found a buffalo kill and camp site nine miles south and one west of Mortlach. Tom Kehoe of the Provincial Museum was in charge of the Dig at the Felt site for two years. Gil Watson of the museum found the oldest known pottery in Sask., there. In 1978 I was one of the instigators of renovating and restoring the old Fire Hall in Mortlach to a museum and Drop-In centre.